
Winter 2022 (1 week)

My Role

Design Challenge



Project Overview

Dead Cat Ranch was a week long design challenge assigned by Lifted Logic LLC. Since it was a very short timed deadline, I was only tasked to redesign the homepage.

The Problem

According to the client, the main issues with the current homepage were

  • Overall outdated design style with the fonts being too basic
  • Does not tell story/history of Dead Cat Ranch
  • Basic layout, boring, uninviting 

Also, what they wanted for a future redesign was

  • Primarily promotes Dead Cat Ranch and shows off the property, lodging and activities
  • Warm and inviting, slightly mysterious
  • Talking to target audiences (men and women ages 25+)
  • Easy to navigate design

Current State of Website

The current state of the website was pretty standard and even very modern in its design. One thing that I noticed straight away though was that the hero banner had type that was very hard to read. Also, it seemed like they used too many different typefaces for their website, creating an inconsistency in the design.

Project Goals

My goals for the redesign

  • Re-establish typefaces to create consistent branding identity
  • Add the additional section blocks that the client requested (reviews, news, etc.)
  • Allow all the text to be legible through contrast in hero banner
  • Experiment with a different composition in the navigation bar

New Redesigned Site